Thanksgiving Dinner

Thank you to all our great volunteers! Thank you to the BuildOn group from Schurz High School for hauling the Thanksgiving dishes out of the attic, washing them all, and decorating!

A special shout out to the John Elmquist Jazz ensemble for the fabulous music!

Thank you BuildOn Schurz students for decorating!

Great decorations!

Schurz BuildOn kids prewash all the serving dishes!


schurz dishwashers

More dishwashers!


talented decorators

3 preps

Tuesday night prep







the night before

susan potatoes

and the day of!

table setting


Ice is nice!

Ice is nice!

the chefs

the cooks are busy

jazz trio

the jazz is cool

dinner guests

dinner is served!

more guests

guests fill the hall

john serving

potatoes? corn?

S serving

servers work hard

cheryl w desserts

room for dessert?


coffee time


pumpkin or apple?

kathleen scraping

scrapers unite!

dish washers

the best and the bold…dishwashers

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