Sunday, March 17

In light of Sunday’s canceled service (as a precaution for minimizing the potential spread of COVID-19), we are happy to share the music and readings for March 15. Click the music and reading titles below to link to them.

#650 – O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts
#673 – The First One Ever
#690 – Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Exodus 17:1-7
Romans 5:1-11
John 4:5-42
Psalm 95

Thank you to our talented parish organist, Mio Nakamura, for recording Sunday’s hymns for us to enjoy, reflect on, and pray. (Also located on our Facebook “Videos” page)

You can also visit for daily readings and devotions to participate in Sunday, March 15 worship from home.

Please keep checking in with our Facebook page for continued updates on future events, services, and worship.
Blessings and stay safe!