For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19)

Please make a pledge for the St. John’s Episcopal Church Stewardship Campaign 2025 using the form that was sent to parishioners or online.
This has been quite the year for St. John’s. Our long-time rector, Kara, was elected Bishop of Rochester (NY) in February—a testament to our thriving community – and moved on to her new role in May.
And we continue to flourish even as we begin anew as a community of faith!
St. John’s Highlights
Growth: New folks have joined St. John’s, especially families with young children. Our average 2023 total Sunday Attendance was 128, the highest in 20 years. In addition, we had 15 baptisms in the past year.
Building for the Future: We’ve nearly completed our three-year Capital Campaign, allowing us to refurbish both the sanctuary and parish hall and install solar panels to the rectory, increasing the future sustainability of our buildings and grounds.
Community: Our Thanksgiving dinner for the community returned last November with 80 volunteers serving 160 neighbors in need.
Service: The Refugee Support Team collected housewares and set up an apartment for a refugee family, in addition to gathering winter apparel and holding a fundraiser to support new arrivals.
This past August, we welcomed our wonderful Interim Rector, the Rev. Meghan Murphy-Gill, who will help guide us during this period of transition, which we’ve already begun!
As we near the end of 2024, we invite you to consider why you’re a member of St. John’s, as well as our congregation’s vision for our future and the ministry we do together—and how much that’s worth investing in.
As such, our budget will increase during our transition period per the guidelines of Episcopal Diocese of Chicago regarding the expenses related to a rector search process, and we hope you’ll take that into consideration as you determine your pledge for 2025.