Worship with St. John’s

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Art by Brad Gehrig.

Join us for worship at 8 and 10 am.

8 am: Holy Eucharist, spoken with musical accompaniment.

10 am: Holy Eucharist, accompanied by the Choir.

Download the bulletin for 
Sunday, February 16, 2025.

For In Person Worship The nursery is open from 8:00 -11:30 a.m. Please join us for coffee hour!

For Online Worship: Join any service via Zoom Meeting ID: 882 2966 1337 Passcode: 3857 By phone: call 312.626.6799. Enter the Meeting ID and #. Enter the Password and #. OR Watch on YouTube (8am) Facebook live (10am) on our public page. If we’re not on St John’s Chicago, we’re live on Rector John 

Christmas at St. John’s

Luke 2:1-20
Art by Yazmin Ramirez

Christmas Eve 
Tuesday, December 24
4 pm Holy Eucharist
Child-friendly service
Download the bulletin for 4 pm Christmas Eve

10 pm and Holy Eucharist with choir
Candlelight service with festive music and carols beginning at 9:30 pm
Download the bulletin for 10 pm Christmas Eve

Christmas Day 
Wednesday, December 25
10 am Holy Eucharist with carols
Cookies and hot chocolate follow
Download the bulletin for 10 am Christmas Day

For Online Worship: Join any service via Zoom Meeting ID: 882 2966 1337 Passcode: 3857 By phone: call 312.626.6799. Enter the Meeting ID and #. Enter the Password and #. OR Watch on Facebook live on our public page. 

NEW! St. John’s Creative Arts Community

St. John’s Creative Arts Community is a newly formed group of artists and crafters of all skill levels who meet twice a month at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 3857 N. Kostner Avenue, Chicago.

Craft Day: First Wednesday of the month from 1 to 4 pm
Craft Night: Third Wednesday of the month from 6 to 9 pm

We welcome all who need a space to work on art projects, are looking to learn a new skill, or just want to hang out with other talented, creative people. If this sounds like you, please stop by! Attendance is free. Join us in the church hall and bring a project that you want to work on. Children are welcome to join the fun, but please note we do not provide any childcare
Questions or have a skill you want to teach to others? Please contact Debbie at dmaher34@gmail.com.
Open to all in the Irving Park Community!

Why change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Learn about the current movement to change the celebration of Columbus Day to a celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Thank you to all who attended our conversation. We discussed this press release calling for the change.

Other suggested reading:
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

This document will give you background and perspective from the American Indian Center.

Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem: How Religion Drove the Voyages that Led to America by Carol Delaney